The Mechanical Engineering Department is well equipped with laboratory equipment and facilities for undergraduate experimentation and/or demonstrations. The mechanical engineering department has relevant the facilities and labs (thermal sciences, fluid mechanics, solar and aerodynamics labs) required for the the energy systems engineering program. The total floor area allocated for laboratories is about 1360 m2. With the addition of about 110 m2 computer lab spaces and 390 m2 of mechanical workshop, the total reaches to about the half of the total building area. The department has an extensive and well-equipped seminar room seating up to 150 people and a secondary seminar room for 20 people. CAD/CAM, computer and Autocad laboratories are available for teaching, projects and research, and it closely integrates the processes associated with design and development. Technical staff helping and supporting students in the machine workshop have over 10 years of experience. Apart from an academic advisor for each student, lab assistants are available to assist students. Along with the university library, the department houses another library consisting of engineering books and graduation projects. For details on facilities, please visit Laboratories.
The program benefits from the immense experience gained during the activities of the Energy Research Centre (EMU-ERC) and the high quality research conducted by the faculty members in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
For a quick look at your Lab facilities, please visit our YouTube page
EMU Mechanical Department: https://www.youtube.com/@mechanicalengineeringdepar560
Thermal Sciences Laboratory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKpHmarDsYA