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Prof. Dr. Uğur ATIKOL keynote speech “Replanning the energy sector with demand-side measures” in ECES2022

Prof. Dr. Uğur ATIKOL  keynote speech “Replanning the energy sector with demand-side measures” in ECES2022
Published Date: Tuesday, 27 December 2022


The Director of Energy Research  Centre, Eastern Mediterranean University, Prof. Dr. Uğur ATIKOL delivered a keynote speech titled “Replanning the energy sector with demand-side measures”  in the 3rd International Conference on “Cyprus Issue: Environmental Challenges and Energy Security – ECES2022.” He explained demand-side management (DSM) strategies, economic savings via implementing DSM, the emerging duck curve in N. Cyprus, and cutting-edge DSM technologies. He also shed light on contemporary strategies on DSM. He finalized by suggesting a DSM integrated-planning approach that would refine the demand curve in N. Cyprus leading to a win-win end result for the utility, consumers, and businesses.

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